electrocoagulation both adrenal medulla and dissappearence of schizophrenia symptons Logo12

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electrocoagulation both adrenal medulla and dissappearence of schizophrenia symptons Logo12

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electrocoagulation both adrenal medulla and dissappearence of schizophrenia symptons

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electrocoagulation both adrenal medulla and dissappearence of schizophrenia symptons Empty electrocoagulation both adrenal medulla and dissappearence of schizophrenia symptons

Mensaje por jose m Miér Jun 08, 2011 1:26 pm

[b]Dr. Mackliff. Dr Sánchez .Luis Vernaza Hospital, Guayaquil, Ecuador.

It has been explored the dependence on metabolic modulation of the hormonal control of psychic state and nerve pathology for a correct operation of the overall-neural system. Hence, the disturbances of the sympathetic system were examined using overdose of amphetamines in experimental animals to obtain models for Schizophrenia and Parkinson diseases.

The animal models appear as a methodology for a chemically-induced stress. This may correspond to the enzymatic studies showing the devastating action of hyper secretion of adrenalin. This destruction of AC if sustained over time exceeds the regenerative capacity that maintains the level of activity of AC. These effects mean that the noradrenalin by inhibiting the AC produces effects of declining cAMP altering control of Ca2+ flows.

If AC was previously destroyed by adrenalin, induction of deficiency of adrenalin in blood by Bilateral Electro-coagulation of the Adrenal Medulla (BEAM), this treatment becomes restorative. Reported research: BioSystems 100 (2010) 87-93, allows to infer that the absence of adrenalin secretion allows that newly synthesized AC would not be any longer destroyed. Thus, AC basal activity, the one in absence of adrenalin, could be incremented by free Mg2+, which increases when the rate of glycolisis decreases. Other hormones, like glucagon, ACTH, etc., stimulate AC in fat and other cells. As a result the cAMP produce by the regenerated activity of AC, could fulfill the physiological requirements to produce metabolic shifts, and reach the levels required to normalized Ca2+ fluxes.

It was found that BEAM treatment eliminates production of adrenaline and reduced that of noradrenaline in a 20%. At a cerebral level, it was achieved the regulation of cerebral dopamine. The BEAM procedure, when applied to patients diagnosed with Schizophrenia, eradicated their symptons and aggressiveness.

jose m

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